
Wholesale ritual goods

+7 (900) 360-60-10
+7 (4832) 67-47-30
+7 (4832) 67-47-34

Products from the manufacturer

A full range of ritual goods

Products from the manufacturer

Products are protected by patents

Flexible approach to each client

Fast delivery

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Рубашки, нижнее белье, обувь

Атлас, бархат, подкладка полиэфирная

Постели, вклады, одеяла, подушки, наволочки, покрывала

Ткани, нити, термоаппликация

Кружево, тесьма, рюши

Деревянные, лакированные, гробы-саркофаги

Ветки ели, коврики, опускатели, траурные повязки

Кресты в руку, ленты с надписью,вазы, таблички

Прямоугольный, фигурный, плитка, цветники, подставки

Consultation of a specialist in ritual goods

The managers of the company will professionally answer your questions, make a cost calculation and prepare an individual offer for You.

The goal of EPK-2 LLC is to provide numerous organizations involved in the design and conduct of funeral ceremonies with timely ritual and related products. Timely deciding to buy wholesale goods for a ritual store or agency on website, you can protect your own business from unexpected force majeure situations.

Who we work for?

It is worthy to lead the deceased to the last journey - the sacred duty of his friends and relatives. As a rule, ritual agencies or funeral bureaus come to the aid of people who are knocked out of their usual way of life by the loss of loved ones. It is on the degree of their preparedness for the organization of the funeral ceremony, on the assortment of goods for funeral services, how much the funeral etiquette and the traditions of the funeral rite will be observed.

The burial goods presented in the catalogs of EPK-2 LLC are of interest to funeral homes, funeral services agencies, and other organizations involved in the design and conduct of funeral ceremonies.

© 2018 – 2024 EPK-2 LLC

All materials on the site are intellectual property of the company. Full or partial use of information is possible only with permission of the administration.

Please note that this website is for informational purposes only and not at what conditions is not a public offer, determined by the provisions of Article 437 (2) of the Civil Code. For more information, please call.